If you are found ineligible for MA when your renewal is processed, you will get a notice in the mail telling you that your MA coverage is scheduled to end. You can appeal the decision if you believe it is not correct. Appeal and fair hearing rights and instructions for filing an appeal will be on the notice you will get.
If you are ineligible for MA, you may be referred to Pennie®, Pennsylvania’s official health and dental insurance marketplace. You will receive a notice if you are referred to Pennie. Pennie lets you shop for plans available in your area and is the only place to get financial assistance to help pay for coverage and/or out-of-pocket costs.
Children under the age of 19 who are ineligible for MA may be referred to CHIP. CHIP provides high quality, affordable health coverage for families with children that covers all the care your child may need like doctors’ visits, prescriptions, vision, and dental care, and more.